InventHelp Patent Services That Work

InventHelp claims that its customers will be matched to a particular inventor and sent to a proprietary Data Bank of more than 9,500 businesses. However, what the company does not disclose, is that it simply has no internal procedures in place to ensure that its database is not riddled with non-operative and bankrupt companies and won’t provide any service matching requirements. What does this mean to customers? It means that InventHelp cannot possibly match businesses and inventors to right patent or if not in process, right patent applications. The reality is that there are many flaws in both of these approaches.

InventHelp is claiming that it will match inventor and potential invention with potential business. But how does it do this? InventHelp uses a point system where it awards points for each patent owned. For example, it may award three points for each patent owned by InventHelp along with two points for each business InventHelp’s database. This seems to suggest that InventHelp wants to assign patents to all businesses that submit an application.

This could not be further from the truth. By using a point-based system, InventHelp is not doing its part to help inventors get right patent match. InventHelp has no method in place for making sure that it does not award patents to those who submit incomplete documents or to those who have no business plan to support their patent filings. Additionally, InventHelp’s point system does not reflect the real world where many innovations come after a period of time while many more wait until months and years before a new invention surfaces on the market. What might fit in the category of “good” patent applications could easily be rejected by an examiner simply because they do not fit into the category of “good” inventions. Furthermore, even if InventHelp’s point system was useful, it would be difficult to use InventHelp’s patent approval guidelines to make sure that the inventions being searched are truly worth the rights to them.

Rather than focusing on whether a client should be awarded patent protection, it makes more sense to focus on whether they should be encouraged to develop a business plan that would demonstrate their unique ability to build an application that can serve as a roadmap for future development. In order for InventHelp to accomplish this, it needs to expand its search so that it includes both commercial organizations and non-commercial organizations that could benefit from the new invention. Because we believe that the invention was indeed unique, it should be evaluated in the context of the real world rather than simply on a case by case basis. In doing this, we believe that the patent office process can be made simpler and more effective. We call this next step, the “2021 Protocol.”

The “2021 Protocol” is nothing more than a checklist that inventor and patent specialists can use to accelerate the time required for the patent application process. Inventors need not worry that their unique application will meet the strict requirements required by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Instead, they simply need to ensure that their business plan and business model are designed to prevent them from being granted a patent. Inventors should consider whether the innovation is new and whether it is actually worth the time and resources necessary for a successful patenting effort. A good way to do this is to have a patent expert to perform a “dry run” of the product or technology. Once the inventor has completed the necessary documents, they can submit the completed application to the InventHelp engineering department for a patent search.

Inventories are vital for the success of any new business venture. Therefore, inventors need to realize that inventorship inventories are a critical part of the inventorship process. This is why inventors should work with a company that not only has an experienced inventorship team but one that also provides customer inventorship support, including making sure inventors know how to fill out their patent forms. Finding an Inventorship Service that provides customer inventorship support, along with its own in-house patent search team, is the most important part of making sure that patenting expedites through the process from beginning to end.